Vlaamse Steenweg

from antwerp to brussels and every station i get in

I don't know how I feel about seeing you again.
You're a bit too intense.

picture this: your lips on my lips
the mirror has to do for now cause you vanished like a cloud

Dans l'attente d'une rencontre ultérieure, veuillez accepter- je vous prie chèr Mr. Duraud- l'expression de ma gratitude exubérante. Avec la plus grande humilité je tire une salve d'honneur destiné à l'incontournable magicien de la vocabulaire française- que êtes vous,
Mr Rombaut

Au revoir

"I love you," what did they mean… ? They mean "I've fucked you and now I need to fuck you again, and possibly a few more times after that and I'll be jealous, insane with jealousy if anyone else fucks you" (Simon Gray)